As part of Refugee week, we had some volunteers from Statham House in Rochdale come in to tell their inspiring stories from their experiences as refugees.


Becky, a member of staff from DePaul, brought in Joseph (18) and Adam (18) to talk to our pupils about their journeys from South Sudan to the UK and the struggles they faced along the way.

At just 9 years old, Joseph travelled alone to reach the UK as there were many conflicts happening in his home country and he needed to flee immediately. It took him 2 years to reach the UK due to having to work for money to not only survive, but to get transport to travel. He states this was a struggle due to language barriers and him being so young.

When they reached the UK, DePaul gave Adam and Joseph a home and taught them how to speak English and other basic life skills such as cooking, cleaning and reading. This was to prepare them for when they turn 18 so they will be able to adapt to living independently when they leave Statham House.

Both Adam and Joseph are aspiring footballers and support Manchester’s football teams (City and United). They are both playing in the Refugee World Cup Football Tournament on the 29th June.

Becky, a member of staff from DePaul, said: “My job is very rewarding as I can help young refugee children be safe, feel at home, and prepare them for their adult life.”

Thankfully, both boys are in contact with their families despite them still being in their home country.

We are very grateful for our visitors coming to teach us the importance of gratitude and sharing their stories with the children. Everyone left feeling not only emotionally touched, but inspired.