“A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world’
(Primary National Curriculum, 2014)
With Technology being one of our four Curriculum Drivers at Gorsey Bank, Computing is a vital component in ensuring our children become competent and confident individuals who are able to use technological resources to learn, communicate and create.
Teaching within Computing at Gorsey Bank encourages children to use a variety of software and hardware in their learning to become technically proficient. The children have the opportunity to solve problems and design games through their understanding of coding, recognise the internet as a positive tool but know what to do if they encounter problems and use a range of technology comfortably.
Computing at Gorsey Bank is taught through 3 ‘Big Ideas’:
Computer Programming
Using Information Technology
Developing Digital Literacy
Children at Gorsey Bank help deliver eSafety teaching to their peers through the role of eCadets, who meet weekly to discuss internet safety issues and share advice and links for children, as well as parents/carers.
Please check out our eCadets Twitter Feed for updates!
Useful Websites and Apps
The following are a selection of useful websites and apps that provide opportunities for children to practise and apply Computing learning, as well as give Parents/Carers advice about eSafety.
Websites . . .
eCadets – information about the role our eCadet children fulfil in supporting eSafety at Gorsey Bank
UK Safer Internet Centre – a partnership of three leading organisations: Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and SWGfL, to promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people.
NSPCC with O2 – tools and advice to help keep your child safe online
Scratch – comprehensive free coding resource for children developed by the MIT Media Lab
Code.org – free coding platform for children with many learning activities and courses (used as part of Computing teaching at Gorsey Bank)
Apps . . .
Scratch Jr – introductory programming tool that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games
Hopscotch – a programming environment that lets children explore ideas while making real software (ages 8+)
Daisy the Dinosaur – built by the creators of Hopscotch to teach the basics of coding (ages 4+)
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